How It Works

Schedule A Call

We will take the time to learn more about you and your investment objectives during our initial call. We would love to spend this time hearing more about your current situation and long-term vision.

View Opportunities

We will send out what is known as an offering memorandum (OM) for you to learn about our available projects. The property's details, value-add strategy, targeted returns, and other important information are included.

Invest In A Deal

Let us know how much you would like to invest into a specific deal. We will send over an operating agreement for signatures which outlines your ownership share in the property as a "Limited Partner".

Fund The Deal

Through our investor platform, you can easily and securely transfer funds to the property's LLC. You can also track the growth of your investment in the portal as well.

Receive Distributions

Investors will begin to receive payouts via direct wire as soon as the property is cashflowing. The timeline and anticipated payout are covered upfront, within the OM. 

Cash Out

Upon the operator selling or refinancing the asset, a cash out or exit occurs. Investors will get their capital investment plus any accrued income and/or equity split at this point, which normally happens three to six years after the initial purchase.

Rinse & Repeat

Those who want to fully benefit from our passive retirement plan will continue to roll capital into the following deal to compound their profits.

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